Saturday, December 30

Myanmar's convention goes into recess
Saturday, December 30, 2006 at 07:41 EST

YANGON — Myanmar's constitution-drafting "National Convention," which resumed Oct 10, went into recess Friday after more than 10 weeks of deliberations.

Lt Gen Thein Sein, chairman of the National Convention Convening Commission and secretary of the ruling junta, said the convention will be adjourned until "a time convenient for the delegates," according to one delegate.

© 2006 Kyodo News.

Monday, December 11

Dear Dr. Bacon,

Greetings in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

I received your email for which I thank you very much.

The children are all well and looking forward with great expectations to Yule-tide and the New Year.

Regarding the girl who ran away, she is still missing and Rev. Moses is still looking for her, together with Rev. Joel in India.

The situation and conditions at present here in Tahan can be described as "White Knuckle." So, the answer to your paramount question is: It would be better for you not to come to us yet. We will keep in touch with you and inform you about further developments.

May God bless your ministry.
Waiting for yours reply, I remain
On behalf of NLO MM,
Yours sincerely in Christ Jesus.
Alan G. Richardson.
It has been a hectic month in Myanmar. On October 30th one of the 15yo girls at the orphanage ran away. She left a note asking that nobody come looking for her.

Rev. Moses is in India looking for her. He and our old friend Joel Raldokhuma are looking together everywhere she has ever been known to be. But so far to no avail.

Please pray for her (Mikali). Burma can be a very dangerous place and this is considered to be a "white knuckle" time.