Tuesday, November 29

A Letter from Rev Moses

A Letter from Rev. Moses Dawnga of the New Life Orphanage:

Dear Dr. Bacon,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Due to your prayers, all the NLO children and those when guide them and look after them are keeping good health. Every Sunday morning, after our prayer meeting and Sunday School, we go to a village (Sometimes 40 miles away or 50 miles away) to serve the lord by preaching and teaching the word of God. All the members of the three or four denominations gather together in one church building and we are given the opportunity to teach and preach the word of God. After the service in the church, they gather together in the home of one of the pastors, and one by one they ask questions about creeds and doctrines and about verses in the Bible which they do not understand, and we take turns answering their questions. In this way we keep up our New Life Ministry and the NLO children’s Gospel team is always active. In fact, we received invitations from other villages, requesting us to spend the Lord’s Day with them.

We have printed and published the Heidelberg Catechism and we are distributing them free. It is very useful, because our children who can read have their own copies; and we teach it and explain it in Sunday School.

The timber and raw materials which we are dered [ordered] is almost complete, and we will be able to start the work of construction in December and finish it by the end of January. We hope to have it ready for you to dedicate it to God when you come to Tahan.

We enclose a financial report for October and November and the expenditure which will be incurred in December. Our own paddy (rice) is sufficient for 3 months, so there is no expenditure for rice.

As usual from the 19th day of December, we will set out to preach the Gospel among the heathens in the dark areas of Myanmar. This is the most convenient for us to proclaim the joyful News of the Birth, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Second Coming of our precious Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, November 15

A Letter From Rev. Moses Dawnga

Dear Dr. Bacon

Greetings in the holy name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We received your most welcome e-mail, for which we thank you lavishly. We know fully, wholly, definitely and completely that due to your assiduous and earnest ministry and labours, God is showering blessings upon you who are in Big Texas; and that those blessings are being relayed to us here in little Texas. The same silvery moon, the same sun and stars that shine over you near the Rio Grande shine upon us too, and we thank God for His kindness, love and mercy The best things in life, such as, water, the air we breath , the seasons, the sunrise, sundown and multifarious colour are free; but here in Myanmar, the prices of food, clothing, consumer goods and building materials are all exorbitant. Nevertheless, God is using you, your associates and your church to provide food, clothing and education for the NLO children. Now, they also have new latrines(water closets) and bathrooms.

I believe God has called, chosen and set apart the NLO children for a purpose. The Gospel team these youngsters have formed is still active. To their Faith they have added Goodness, knowledge, Temperance, Patience and Godliness (2Peter1:1-15).

As the building materials arrive, they are being made ready, so that when the materials are complete, they will be joined to form the new hostel. The work the carpenter and bigger boys are now occupied and engaged in, will facilitate and expedite the construction of the hostel. I believe it is God's plan and will that your next visit to Myanmar has been set for the month of February. Because by that time, we hope and pray that there will be a new hostel for you to dedicate to the glory of God.

The preparation of the book for our Sunday School has been completed. Some of the manuscript sheets translated by Mr.Alan Richardson were misplaced by some children who were learning to operate the computer, and we failed to find them; but we approached and turned to Dr. Tiala for help and finally managed to complete the book.

I have been receiving many invitations from various denominations to give speeches on the way of faith; but I have been very busy here in little Texas, so I have been free only on Sunday. On these occasions I take the NLO childrens Gospel Team with me. During the week days, They follow Rev.Joel Raldokhuma.

Since the month of October, my son moved out to live separately with his wife. Rev.Joel Raldokhuma was here and we all had dinner together and Rev. Joel prayed and asked God to bless, guard and guide my son Hmangaihzuala and his family. Hmangaih zuala comes to NLO every day and works for us. I could not buy a house for him, so he and his wife and child have rented a flat (Pad or apartment).

We are very fortunate because God has given us a computer. Some of the NLO children are learning to manipulate it. We would like to produce and publish our booklets, so on your next visit we would be grateful if you would kindly bring some religious literature that are short concise and complete with coloured pictures .Nowdays, comics or cartoons on religious subjects are quite popular. We hope to use our computer and serve God in many and various ways in our NLO ministry.

God is blessing your labours and ministry for the development, growth and progress of NLO Myanmar, All thanks giving, glory, praise and honour be unto the Father , the Son and the Holy Ghost forever and ever.Amen

ON behalf of NLO Myanmar, I remain Your fellow-worker in the Lord's vineyard

Rev. Moses V.Dawnga

Saturday, November 12

This is Miss Hannah Allie, who accompanied Mrs. Bacon and me on our July 2005 trip to MM. These are our steerage accomodations on our trip back from the New Life Orphanage in Tahan. Miss Hanna taught English as a Second Language to many students in Yangon. Posted by Picasa

This is a "Nat" temple along the Chindwin. Many of the jungle people in MM are Nat worshippers. This is an essentially animist religion that worships sprytes and fairies under the name of "nat" or "spirit." Posted by Picasa

Here is another try at the sunrise picture. We boated down the Chindwin from Kalewa to Monywa. It was an 8 hour trip and started at 5:00 AM. In order to get to Kalewa we first had to take a jeep through the jungle roads to Kalewa. Posted by Picasa

Here is another boat on the Chindwin river. The small "canoes" are venders who are selling the crew of the larger boats food. The food is like the food offered by street venders, only even less safe. Posted by Picasa

This is the "Shwe Nadi" riverboat. The compartment in the front is steerage, with the second class above and third class below the waterline. We rode this boat for eight hours from Kalewa to Monywa. Posted by Picasa

Session of First Presbyterian Church of Rowlett has approved a new trip in February 2006 for Mission to Myanmar. A number of projects will be very close to completion by that time and we will hopefully be able to update this blog from Myanmar this trip.

The Burmese Psalter

All 312 selections have been translated into Burmese and we have already supplied JPGs for the tonic solfa notation. Thus during this February trip we hope to meet with a number of people who are fluent in both Burmese and English in order to smooth out the "metricizing" of the Psalter. It would be good if we had more people who were able to deal with both the Hebrew and Burmese, but the Burmese churches are a long way from having that capability and may not have it even in this generation. We probably will not be able to get to all 312 settings that have been translated, but if we can get to 100-150 by the end of my trip, then we will feel comfortable publishing this as an interim Psalter. We may recall that even the Reformed church at Geneva did not have the entire Psalter for many years after its founding.

Teaching at Reformed Bible Institute

It is my intention to teach a 3 semester hour course in the Pastoral Epistles during the time I am in Myanmar as well. This is made possible by the students concentrating on a single course while I am there. Thus in a period of three weeks we can teach for 4 to 5 hours per day five days a week and make the course material available to the students in a sort of "mini-mester." As an interesting "coincidence" the Aquila Project will be in Myanmar at the same time I am teaching the Pastoral Epistles to a group of (mostly) Baptist ministers there. Hopefully there will be some opportunity for "cross-pollinization" in our classes.

Additionally Dr. Thang Bwee, President of the Reformed Bible Institute has asked me to bring as many copies as possible of Louis Berkhof's Summary of Christian Doctrine published by Banner of Truth. There is an address below for anyone who would like to contribute to this. The books are about $6 each plus shipping. Or the books themselves could be sent to the same address.

The New Life Orphanage

Some of the readers of this blog know already what difficulty we had getting back from Tahan on the last trip (July 2005). During that trip the aircraft that was supposed to pick us up at the Kalemyo airport and return us to Yangon broke down during takeoff from Yangon. We were thus "stranded" in Tahan. However, some brothers were kind enough to take us to Kalewa where we caught a boat going down the Chindwin River to Monywa, where we rode first in the back of a pickup truck and then in an overcrowded bus to Mandalay.

Hopefully the trip to Tahan will not be quite so "eventful" this time, but we do hope to visit the orphanage in Tahan and help dedicate the new hostel to the glory of God. The NLO will use the new hostel not only for sleeping, but also for classrooms upstairs and a dining (messing) area downstairs. The reinforced concrete posts were already poured when I was there in July. The timbers have begun to arrive for the hostel and our carpenter is teaching the older boys how to plane the wood planks smooth.

Please begin praying for this trip. We are thankful for the prayers and generosity of the friends of this mission throughout the world.

Send contributions to:
Mission To Myanmar
c/o First Presbyterian Church
8210 Schrade Road
Rowlett, TX 75088