Tuesday, October 14

On The Way Home

I am now sitting in the Tokyo Narita airport waiting for this evening's flight. If I've figured my schedule correctly I may be home in time to watch game seven of the cubs v. marlins. I would have expected to type that about the same time or year as I typed "I'm typing this from the permanent space station...." The trip has been a good one, overall. There were some disappointments, to be sure. But there were also some excellent "gains" on this trip. The key gain, IMO, will be the fact that the Falam Psalter is on its way to becoming a reality. Additionally, however, we see a number of improvements in relationships between the various reformed denoms in MM, including the PRCM, URCM, ERCM, and MRPC.

Our Colds During the Last Week

After a relatively healthy trip -- at least for my part -- I managed to come down with a "summer cold" last Thursday. We certainly take things for granted in the USA. There we were in a country that had almost no idea what an antihistimine is. Anyway, just about the time I got over my scratchy throat (which almost had me sidelined last Friday), Mrs Bacon got it. I'm still "sniffling" and using a lot of facial tissues. The trip is quite uncomfortable for Debby, however. We found the "internet room" here at the Narita airport and Matt and I are updating this and that (including, of course, checking the baseball scores), while Mrs Bacon is in the other room nursing her cold.

Speaking of Baseball

Maybe next week, if the Sox and the Cubs end up playing, I can get together with a friend of mine from Mass (RI actually) and fly back and forth to one another's cities to watch the games. That could be fun! Now with the Cubs and the Sox in the series, it would have to go to game seven. And then the game would never end.... A baseball fan's dream come true (or would that be a nightmare?)!


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